
noun 名词 –n
adjective 形容词 –adj
adverb 副词 –adv


determine 下决心
chubby 胖
altitude 高度
latitude 纬度
make up one’s mind 做决定,下决心
Think about it before you make up your mind. 在决定之前要先想一想
give in 投降
give up 放弃
atlas 地图集 a book of maps
glacier 冰川
grocer 食品杂货商,杂货店
laser 激光,激光器
rapids 急流,湍流 n.
No boat could pass through these rapids and survive.
rapid 迅速的,急促的,急流,adj.
The rabbit ran at a rapid speed.
rapidly 迅速地,很快地,立即,adv.
The water here is flowing very rapidly.
vapid 索然无味的,无生气的,乏味的
I’m bored - is this book vapid, or are we ?
aids 艾滋病 Acquired Immune Deficiency Synd
This ribbon(红丝带) is to help people understand the AIDS disease.
rabies 狂犬病
A bite from a wild dog may result in rabies.
valley 山谷,溪谷,低谷
From the top of the mountain I could see the entire valley below.
alley 小巷,小径
The narrow alley winds through the old town. 这条窄巷弯弯曲曲的穿过古老的小镇.
ballet 芭蕾舞
The man is watching the ballet dance.
wallet 钱包,皮甲
My wallet holds all of my money and credit cards.
value 给…定价,评价,重视,珍视,价值,有用性
Which do you value more - the economy or the environment?
waterfall 瀑布
The stream drops over the boulders in a beautiful small waterfall.
watercolor 水彩,水彩画
Watercolor painiting is a fun way to pass the time.
watery 水的,水分多的,平淡的,稀薄的,松软的,水淋淋的
Look into my watery eyes and tell me I’m the cutest one!
watermelon 西瓜
The zombie(僵尸) was attacked by watermelon throwing plants.
after all 毕竟,终究
You should apologize to her. After all, she is your wife.
pace 步,步伐
The horse walked at a fast pace.
lace 花边,鞋带
Before you run,make sure your laces are tight.
pause 暂停,中止,停顿
The video pause at the moment he showed a funny face.
sauce 酱,调味汁,莽撞,冒失
He is adding different sauces onto the burger.
pence 便士
In th U.K., one hundred pence make one pound sterling. 在英国,一百便士等于一英镑.
bend 弯曲,倾向,屈服
First bend to the right, then bend to the left.
blender 掺和器,搅拌机
I feel like I’m getting into a blender, when I walk to my office.
bleed 流血,感到疼痛,榨取,敲诈
“I may bleed to death.”were the waterlemon’s last words.
meander 漫步
I like to meander through the forest.
delta 三角洲 = a pieces of land shaped like a triangle that is formed when a river splits into smaller rivers before it flows into an ocean
A thriving city was built at the river delta.
delete 删除
The man with tears on face deleted his ex-wife’s phone number.
attitude 态度
The waiter has such a bad attitude!
altitude 高度,海拔
At this altitude it would be dangerous to fall off. 在这种高度下跌落很危险.
latitude 纬度
Canada and Russia have similar altitude.
solitude 孤独,寂寞,荒野
I am in solitude. My shadow is my only friend.
antique 古董,古玩,古物
I’m fascinated by that antique at first sight!
boil 沸腾
As the water boils it gives off steam.
boiler 锅炉,煮器
The boiler takes up too much room in the bathroom.we should move it.
bill 账单,纸币,钞票
Could we have the bill, please? 请把账单给我们看一下.
bull 公牛,雄性的鲸,象等大动物
A bull market is a situation in which share prices are rising.
bell 钟,铃,门铃,钟声
He rang the bell to tell the waitress to pick up the dishes.
lorry 货车
All the stuff was carried in the lorry.
merry 欢乐的,愉快的
I wish you a merry Christmas!
Texas 德克萨斯州
Texas is the second largest American State.
text 文本,正文,原文,课本,课文,发送,短信
The text in this book is small and hard to read.
exam 考试
The students are taking an exam.
tease 取笑,嘲弄,挑逗,戏弄
All the kids at school teased him for being different.
nexus 关系,连接
I keep in close contact with my nexus of good friends.
tunas 金枪鱼
They caught a whole net full of fresh tunas. 他们捕到了满满一渔网的金枪鱼.
accent 口音
The foreigner has such a funny accent when he speaks Chinese!
absent 缺席的,不存在的,心不在焉的,出神的.
He listened to the lecture with an absent mind. 他上课也心不在焉.
pronunciation 发音,发音方法
He learns pronunciations of words from that book.
payment 支付,报酬
The clever dog made the payment for the bone itself.
accident 意外
Santa Claus is badly injured in the car accident. 圣诞老公公在车祸中受伤严重.
catfish 鲶鱼
Catfish hava whiskers just like cats do! 鲶鱼有猫一样的胡须.
Scottish 苏格兰人
These Scottish men are playing traditional music and wearing traditional clothes.
catch 捕捉,接住,赶上
Tha cat is happy to catch the mouse.
cash 现金,兑现
Please pay me with cash.
A goldfish is a common pet.

