My Approach to Getting Dramatically Better as a Programmer

There was a recent discussion among my social group about what “getting dramatically better as a programmer” means. Based on that discussion, I’ve decided to share my own approach to becoming a “dramatically better programmer”. I want others to understand what practices I’ve found useful, so they can incorporate them into their own life.

My approach to getting dramatically better is built around a training regime. There are a specific set of “exercises” I do every week. I designed the training regime with two explicit goals in mind:

Learning how to solve problems I didn’t know how to solve before.
Learning how to write correct programs faster.
My training routine consists of a total of four different exercises. Each one helps me achieve the two objectives above. The four different exercises are:

Reading a paper.
Learning a new tool.
Reading several chapters of a book.
Recording my screen as I write a program. Then reviewing the footage and seeing how I could have written the program faster.
Let me explain each of the exercises in a bit more depth. I want to share some details on how each exercise works and the main benefits I’ve had from doing each exercise.

Reading a Paper
This exercise is designed to expand my knowledge of Computer Science. I’ve found two direct benefits to reading papers. The first benefit is that some papers have changed my model of certain problems. A good example of this is The Tail at Scale. That paper examines the counter intuitive nature of long tail latency.

One interesting lesson I learned from the paper was how running a request on multiple machines affects latency. The authors looked at empirical data from a Google service. The service processes a request by distributing parts of the request across many different services. They used the data to estimate what would happen if you distributed requests across 100 different services. The authors found that if you measure the time it takes to get a response from all 100 severs, half of that time will be spent waiting for only the last five! This is because the slowest 5% of requests is that much slower than all the other requests. The paper also gives several approaches on how to reduce tail latency. I have found those approaches useful in my own work.

The other benefit I’ve found from reading papers is that they give me the knowledge to understand different systems as a whole. As an example, take Spanner, Google’s distributed database. Spanner uses many different techniques such as Paxos, two phase commit, MVCC, and predicate locks. I’ve been able to build up an understanding of these different techniques through reading papers. In turn, this enables me to reason the Spanner as a whole and reason about the trade offs Spanner makes compared to other systems.

I find most papers I read by either following the references of papers I have read or following up on a paper covered in the Morning Paper. The book Designing Data Intensive Applications also has a lot of references to papers that are worth reading.

Learning a New Tool
One of the easiest ways to solve problems is to use an existing tool that already solves that problem. For this exercise, I pick a tool and learn a bit about it. Usually I setup the tool locally, go through a few tutorials, and read a bit of the manual. Tools that I’ve learned in the past range from bash utils such as jq or sed to distributed systems such as Kafka or Zookeeper.

Learning the bash utilities helps me get solve many common tasks quicker than I could have otherwise. Simple text processing is often easier with sed than it is with a programming language. Likewise, learning about different distributed systems come in handy for understanding what tools work well for solving different problems. That way I know what tool I should use when faced with a given problem.

Reading Several Chapters of a Book
I use books to supplement the knowledge I don’t get from reading a paper or
learning a tool. The books I read cover a wide range of topics. Books I’ve read
recently include:

Refactoring – I found this to be a great way to understand what good code should look like and how to turn bad code into good code.
Getting Things Done – I found this book to be helpful for prioritizing and keeping track of things. It helped me build a system to make sure I get done what’s important for me to get done.
The First Time Manager – I recently became the team coordinator for my team at work. As team coordinator, my main responsibility is communicating with other teams when necessary. I also lead my team’s meetings. I found this book to be great for getting an understanding of basic management principles.
Recording My Screen
This exercise is my favorite. It’s the exercise that’s changed how I approach problems the most. It’s common for athletes to review footage of themselves to understand how they could have done better. I decided to apply the same approach to programming. Some of the lessons I’ve learned by recording my screen include:

It helps to test code as it’s written. Doing this reduces the amount of time it takes to debug code by reducing the time you spend locating where the bug is. If all your existing code is bug free, the bug has to be in the new code you just wrote.
When debugging a problem, adding functionality only for the purpose debugging is often well worth the cost. As an example, one toy problem I worked on was writing an LRU cache. I had a bug where it wasn’t evicting the right elements. I was able to quickly determine what was wrong by adding a function to print the state of the cache. I could then see where the expected behavior of the cache differed from the actual behavior. This allowed me to quickly locate the bug.
Spending five minutes deciding on an approach up front before writing any code is worth it. I’ve found two benefits to doing this. It helps me make sure my approach is correct. More importantly, it forces me to decide on a single approach. By watching a recording of myself, I found I wasted a lot of time switching my code between two different approaches. In reality, either approach would have worked fine.
All these lessons are obvious in retrospect. but I had no clue that any of these were issues until I recorded my screen and saw where I was actually spending time.

The steps I take for this exercise are:

Record myself writing some problem. This can either be a problem I worked on at work or a problem from a programming challenge website such as Leetcode.
Go through the recording at 10x speed and annotate what I was doing at each moment.
Total how much time I spent into high level categories. How much time did I spend debugging some bug? How much time did I spend building some feature
Look at the categories I spent the most time in. Then dig into what actually took up that time.
Come up with approaches that would have allowed me to save time. Often there are ways I could have structured my code up front that would have allowed me to write less code or find bugs earlier.
I highly recommend recording your screen. It’s one of the easiest ways to find small changes you can make to make yourself a lot more productive.

I’ve been doing this training regime over the past year. I’ve definitely noticed a huge difference. There’s a large amount of knowledge about systems and tools that I wouldn’t have developed otherwise. I’m also able to solve problems more quickly than I was able to before. I hope you reflect on these exercises and implement a few of them yourself.

Going forward, I’m going to start sharing what I find through my training regime. I’m going to start off by writing a blog post every time I do one of the exercises. I’ll share what I learned and found during the exercise. I think it would be beneficial for me to explain what I learned, as well as make a great learning resource for others.


My Approach to Getting Dramatically Better as a Programmer
[My Approach to Getting Dramatically Better as a Programmer]: